I just wanted to update quick with the last three days of progesterone symptoms. Still waiting for them to fade away - I'm guessing within the next few days, then AF symptoms will take over. Usually about 4-5 days before she shows. I might not even notice when they switch over! Guess we'll see!
P.S. - If you're reading this, leave a comment - Let me know you stopped by! I would love that! Lets me know I'm not alone in this. :)
3/2/14: 4DPO - I am SUPER irritable today. Everything is making me angry. Extremely moody/cranky. Still having what I think are cramps. Nothing like AF, only really notice them when I'm sitting. Not discomforting or painful. Just there really. My breasts are still itchy, just not as bad. Still very sensitive and tender. Despite not drinking much, I was peeing a LOT today. Seemed like every half hour for a few hours. I had kidney stones not too long ago, and I believe one is trying to pass - I'm blaming frequent urination on this fact. Had a lower backache, guessing its from sitting here for awhile typing notes. Really tired still. Very nauseous, especially after eating and drinking anything with flavor to it (cran-grape juice). Still have minor bloating, and horrible heartburn.
3/3/14: 5DPO - Nausea, VERY moody again today, still having extremely minor cramping. Again, really do not notice unless I'm sitting. Sometimes when I cough, my ovary is painful. Not sure what that is about. Still tired, but I can't sleep for long periods today, so I'm chalking fatigue up to that. Still having horrible heartburn. Nothing seems to stop it. Very mildly bloating (expecting this to be gone in a day or so), breasts are still tender to the touch, and sensitive, but do not seem to be that itchy.
3/4/14: 6DPO - Have a pressure down low today. Still mildly bloated, just feeling heavy really. Had more acne pop up today. I never get acne except on medicated cycles. Woke up with cramping, found out it was due to (tmi) gas. Still having horrible heartburn, not as much as yesterday. Thinking it might be dairy products that add to it. Have a lower backache, still tired. Breasts are still sensitive, and the sides are painful today. Itchiness has returned. Still getting nauseous after eating and drinking things with flavor. Doesn't last long. Very quick - Maybe 30mins or so.
Just like my last tww, this one is going as equally slow. Maybe even more slow if that's possible. I had to go to an allergy doctor the other day due to a re-occurring rash on my neck, so I have a patch allergy test on my back and the masking tape they put on to hold it in place is super irritating and itchy. That gets taken off tomorrow and I cannot wait.
A was supposed to leave for training this upcoming Sunday, but will not be leaving the 16th instead. I'm kind of glad. At least if I ended up pregnant this cycle, he might be able to come with me to my first ultrasound. My RE likes to do an ultrasound after confirmation (beta testing) to make sure everything looks good before he releases patients to their regular OB.
I'm so hopeful this is it. Its been such a long hard road.
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