Monday, April 21, 2014

Do what frightens you.

CD14/IUI Day!

Our original plan of IUI happening on the 19th backfired. The last two months on Femara + Menopur I was ready to ovulate by CD11.. Not this time! I went in Thursday the 17th (CD10) to have my follicles checked. My lining was superb! 13mm! Woo!

And much to my surprise, instead of the huge follicles I was used to seeing by now, I got two 11mm's on my right ovary, plus a 14mm on my right, and one 16mm on my left. My normal ultrasound tech, January, said that I was super early in my cycle and those numbers were perfect for where I was at. I tried not to panic! She said Dr. would look over my ultrasound and call me by the end of the day with my plan.

He called of course, and I had to take all five of my menopur injections for the first time ever. So I continued with the next two days, and triggered at 10:40pm on Saturday, April 19th.

Anyway, onward to today (IUI day). A had to be at the clinic at 8:40am to do his business, which he ROCKED by the way!! Proud wife moment right here - Before wash he had 159 million men at a 56% motility rate. After washing there were 81 million, and the ones that made the final cut to be injected?! 38.1 million with an 80% motility rate!

Also, January had said my follicles would continue to grow through the trigger shot til they released their eggs so that would have put our 16mm at 24, our 14mm at 22, AND she said there was the possibility that my 11's kept growing and became beautiful 18-20mm's! So I know there are two good follies that released, and a chance of FOUR!

I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up - 6+ years of this, and NEVER in my life seeing a real BFP, I just have serious doubts that we will ever be parents. Sometimes, I'm kind of a drag. =/

But, I am ridiculously optimistic, but 110% cautious. Fingers crossed!


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